Monday, August 30, 2010

. song-sketch: so gorgeous .

"Ne baisse pas les yeux
Et laisse les destins
Et le vert et le bleu
Se marient si bien"

A quick song-sketch of Damien Saez's song: So Gorgeous.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

.recreated poses.


We had to recreate poses in 3d during my Class 5 of Animation Mentor. I had a lot of fun doing them, especially with the new Bishop 2.0 Rig:

Picture 1 source: The Greyhandgang
Picture 2 source: Dr.Horrible
Picture 3 source: Asterix Mission Cleopatre
Picture 4 source: Le Diner de Cons
Picture 5 source: My mentor Peter Kelley
Picture 6 source: Who's afraid of Virginia Wolf?
Picture 7 source: La haine
Picture 8 source: My lovely friend Mariana Pistone


Monday, August 23, 2010

. yerba buena park in august .

I think it's time to buy a new scanner ...


Wednesday, August 4, 2010